After 35-45 minutes of poking around with the ultrasound machine....yes we have a very stubborn baby already! It was time to see if we could take a peek at the gender. Why did it take so long? Well the little one is very low, head pointing down (looking so uncomfortable) so the ultrasound tech couldn't get a measurement of the back of the head like they needed. So after lots of turning left, turning right, tilting back, really pressing and digging into the belly.... the head finally turned! Phew!
Once we had the gender I went back to the bakery (I had made the cupcakes earlier that day and had them all ready to fill with the gender) finished them and started delivering them to immediate family.'s a.......BOY! My husband was in complete disbelief that he was wrong; he even said he never even considered the fact that it could be a boy because he was so convinced it was a girl! He's pretty excited to have a future 4-wheeling buddy!