The cake that was floating around Pinterest, Facebook, social media, etc. was a wood slab cake with a plaid inside and an ax coming out of the top. Naturally, I wanted to make it! Unfortunately, there are some technical things that needed to be done and known...and the only way to get a subscription to the site...
Then, a bride emailed me wanting the cake for her cutting cake! (Minus the ax). I was immediately excited and gave her a few options. To do my own version of the cake, which would be close but could have some differences to the pattern inside and maybe the outside since I didn't have the exact methods that were used; or to add the website fee to the cake so I can get the inside scoop and apply it to the cake. She opted for the website fee and getting the inside scoop...and here's what the end result was!
I just hand painted it instead....because while I have an airbrush...I've only used it once. Not because I don't want to use it...but because I somehow managed to make it not work properly after only one use! Oops! And I have yet to figure out how to get it going again. In the end, I was happy that my airbrush was broken because I LOVED the outcome of the hand-painting. I liked it more than the airbrushed version.
To make this cake even more was plaid on the inside! It's a little hard to see, but the couple was kind enough to have pictures sent my way so I could see the inside. I couldn't exactly cut the cake, take a picture and put it back together now could I?!
Thanks for another week of orders, and I hope to see you at Friday's open day!