So please, if you want to order for September please do so now. If you haven't heard yet, there won't be an open day for you better come to the August 28th open day since it will be the last until October! Weekend cupcake orders for the majority of September, will be limited to the flavors I am making for weddings. I hate to limit it, but I have to.... otherwise I will be a crazy person...well crazier than I already am.
Due to the weekends filling up and it being a regular occurrence for me to have a big variety of flavors to make for the weekends, I'm thinking of doing an email list/group if I can get people interested. I normally have a dozen minimum per flavor when you order. What I am proposing is to offer a mixed dozen for last minute orders of flavors I am already making for weddings/full weekends. I would send out a list of flavors via email on Tuesday and ask that people respond with their orders by Wednesday. If you are interested in being part of the email list please send me an email!
Another quick note I want to tell people: Along with a lot of orders, comes a lot of posting on Facebook. Facebook limits the number of people that can see business posts, and in order for more people to see them, more people need to like and/or share the posts. Every little bit helps Steph's Sweet Treats grow, so I appreciate every bit of help from customers! If you want to make sure you see my posts, you can also get notifications by going back to the "Like" button...the one you already pushed (or I hope you did) to follow the page to begin with. If you click it again you can then click "get notifications." Voila! When I post you will get notified that I did so.
Don't forget about wedding referrals! If you know someone getting married and you refer them to Steph's Sweet Treats, and they get a gift certificate! Note: If you are getting married September 2016... it's already filling up so contact me soon!
Thanks for another week of orders! Please spread the word about ordering ASAP for September!