Shortly after my 10am pickups I got some signs that yes this really was labor but still, having never gone through it before, I didn't want to alert anyone and I wanted to ride out as much of it at home as I could. Funny thing cousin and godson came to visit...which is a big deal! They live all the way in LaCrosse and they came to see me and I got to give my godson his birthday present (his is August 8th!). We chatted, hung out, and even got lunch together...all while I quietly hid contractions that were starting to get a little more uncomfortable, but still 15-20 minutes apart.
In the afternoon things started getting a bit more serious and around 5 I called the OB to tell them what had occurred throughout the day and they said that I did in fact need to come in. After some checking, it was confirmed that I was in the early stages of labor. They let me go home to labor as long as I wanted, but told me to for sure come back when the contractions got to 5 minutes apart.
Once things got a little more intense and hit the under 5 minute apart mark (around 9:30 Saturday night) we headed to the hospital. Of course we assumed things would progress quickly since from 5-9pm things seemed like they had....boy were we wrong! This not so little man (8 pounds 3 oz and 21 1/2 inches long-holy moly nobody was expecting that! We weren't expecting the head full of dark brown hair either!) wasn't born until 8:42 the next night! Not that I'm counting or anything....but if you start the clock at 10am that's a good 34 hours! But like I said, worth every bit of it!
I wanted to do this post since customers know my due date was this month and so people know about ordering. You are welcome to still inquire about any order you may have. I am taking it one day at a time and doing orders based on how I feel and how my schedule is going with Wyatt. So if I feel okay and I can fit the order in, I will certainly do it. Don't be deterred from asking; I am doing whatever I can.
Thanks for another week of orders! Especially those who were brave enough to order the last week of my pregnancy :) Thanks for taking the risk!